真的還是假的?試管嬰兒懷孕率100%!(說6個全部懷孕比較妥) ,2011年有一份研究是用子宮鏡來做子宮內膜的刺激術,報告數據驚人的是6個有做切片內膜刺激的全部懷孕(6/6),他們在英文的論文裡面清楚提出懷孕率100% (說6個全部懷孕比較妥)
真的還是假的?試管嬰兒懷孕率100%!(說6個全部懷孕比較妥) ,2011年有一份研究是用子宮鏡來做子宮內膜的刺激術,報告數據驚人的是6個有做切片內膜刺激的全部懷孕(6/6),他們在英文的論文裡面清楚提出懷孕率100% (說6個全部懷孕比較妥) Abstract BACKGROUND: To test whether a site-specific hysteroscopic biopsy-induced injury in the endometrium during the controlled ovarian hyperstimulation cycle improves subsequent embryo implantation in patients with repeatedimplantation failure, a total of 30 patients who have had good responses to controlled ovulation stimulation but have failed to achieve pregnancy after two or more transfers of good-quality embryos were recruited in this prospective study. METHODS: A single, site-specific hysteroscopic biopsy-induced injury was generated on the posterior endometrium at midline 10-15 mm from the fundus during the D4-D7 period of the ongoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation cycle in six patients. RESULTS: Patients received endometrial biopsy protocol achieved a pregnancy rate of 100%. By contrast, only 46% of patients with similar clinical characteristics (N = 24) achieved pregnancy without the hysteroscopic biopsy-induced endometrium injury (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our proof-of-concept study demonstrates that a site-specific hysteroscopic endometrium injuryperformed during the ongoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle, instead of injuries received during prior cycles, significantlyimproves clinical outcomes in patients with repeated implantation failure. PMID: 22014336 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC3210086 Free PMC Article Images from this publication. Publication Types, MeSH Terms (期刊是在2011年10月份生殖生物及內分泌醫學期刊) Results Patients received endometrial biopsy protocol achieved a pregnancy rate of 100%. By contrast, only 46% of patients with similar clinical characteristics (N = 24) achieved pregnancy without the hysteroscopic biopsy-induced endometrium injury (p < 0.05). (期刊是在2011年10月份生殖生物及內分泌醫學期刊) 為了查子宮內膜刺激術最新研究,今天上網搜尋「子宮內膜刺激術」的文獻,發現在2011年的10月份有一份研究是用子宮鏡來做子宮內膜的刺激術,他們做子宮內膜刺激術的位置是在子宮內膜後壁,距離子宮頂(Fundus)1到1.5公分的地方切片一塊做子宮內膜的切片,論文中在6個有做內膜切片跟24個沒有做切片(內膜刺激)的對照裡面,報告數據驚人的是6個有做切片內膜刺激的全部懷孕(6/6),他們在英文的論文裡面清楚提出懷孕率100%,反觀沒有做切片的24個裡面,懷孕率是46%,有做胚胎切片胚胎著床率是56%,而反觀沒有做內膜切片的胚胎著床率只有21%,而這6個懷孕的通通沒有流產治療生下來,這一份研究,他們平均放入胚胎數目是2.7個,這份是剛剛出爐的最火紅研究,恐怕是目前為止,針對子宮內膜刺激術最正面的肯定,期刊是在2011年10月份生殖生物及內分泌醫學期刊,我把他們做子宮內膜刺激術的照片附在下面,子宮內膜刺激術就像春天的農夫要插秧之前先犁田、先翻土,再插秧,道理是一樣的,根據以往的說法是:2003年巴勒斯首先提出來子宮內膜切片小受傷可以增加胚胎著床率,隨後加拿大的班則明醫師、中國大陸的周醫師、以色列的拉維醫師都提出相同的發現,最近在香港中文大學的陳小章教授她也提出來子宮內膜搔刮,這種原本用來墮胎的手術技巧居然可以增加子宮內膜上皮細胞的鈉離子通道ENaC,在陳小章的研究裡面16個試管嬰兒成功懷孕,他們的共通點是子宮內膜鈉離子通道比較多,反觀17個試管嬰兒沒有懷孕鈉離子通道比較少,而如何讓子宮內膜上皮細胞鈉離子通道增加呢?這就是子宮內膜輕刮Scratch,完全沒有料到:一種拿來〝墮胎〞的技術,居然可以增加胚胎著床率!! Abstract Background To test whether a site-specific hysteroscopic biopsy-induced injury in the endometrium during the controlled ovarian hyperstimulation cycle improves subsequent embryo implantation in patients with repeated implantation failure, a total of 30 patients who have had good responses to controlled ovulation stimulation but have failed to achieve pregnancy after two or more transfers of good-quality embryos were recruited in this prospective study. Methods A single, site-specific hysteroscopic biopsy-induced injury was generated on the posterior endometrium at midline 10-15 mm from the fundus during the D4-D7 period of the ongoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation cycle in six patients. Results Patients received endometrial biopsy protocol achieved a pregnancy rate of 100%. By contrast, only 46% of patients with similar clinical characteristics (N = 24) achieved pregnancy without the hysteroscopic biopsy-induced endometrium injury (p < 0.05). Conclusions Our proof-of-concept study demonstrates that a site-specific hysteroscopic endometrium injury performed during the ongoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle, instead of injuries received during prior cycles, significantly improves clinical outcomes in patients with repeated implantation failure.