ALL NEW PGS IVF CENTER 基因晶片試管嬰兒中心:博元婦產科邁入第三代試管嬰兒 美國紐澤西團隊,用第5天胚胎切片進行快速實時間PCR聚合酶鏈反應real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) ,第6天知道全部染色體報告,選擇染色體正常植入子宮,成功懷孕率高達93.1%!!! 所謂的第三代試管嬰兒,所謂的基因晶片試管嬰兒就是胚胎在植入子宮之前,博元婦產科用胚胎切片進行基因染色


ALL NEW PGS IVF CENTER 基因晶片試管嬰兒中心:博元婦產科邁入第三代試管嬰兒

美國紐澤西團隊,用第5天胚胎切片進行快速實時間PCR聚合酶鏈反應real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) ,第6天知道全部染色體報告,選擇染色體正常植入子宮,成功懷孕率高達93.1%!!!






      以上都是基因晶片試管嬰兒中心第三代試管嬰兒中心必備的條件跟能力,博元婦產科有此條件、有此能力,有多個成功案例,我們希望在未來能夠提供第5天胚胎切片,第6天植入新鮮胚胎到子宮  不必再冷凍胚胎了,根據201312月來自一份登在生育與節Fertil Steril. 2013;100:697-703刊,這是不孕症一份最具權威的期刊,有一份研究來自美國紐澤西團隊,他們用第5天胚胎切片進行快速實時間PCR聚合酶鏈反應real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) ,第6天知道全部染色體報告,選擇染色體正常植入子宮,成功懷孕率高達93.1%博元婦產科希望盡快也可以提供此服務,簡單的說博元婦產科是基因晶片試管嬰兒中心,也是第三代試管嬰兒中心,以下附上紐澤西團隊的英文研究報告。



Blastocyst Biopsy With Comprehensive Chromosome Screening and Fresh Embryo Transfer Significantly Increases In Vitro Fertilization Implantation and Delivery Rates: a Randomized Controlled Trial

Scott RT Jr, Upham KM, Forman EJ, et al
Fertil Steril. 2013;100:697-703

This randomized, controlled trial assessed the benefits of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) on implantation and pregnancy rates during IVF. Women younger than 42 years who had normal ovarian function and no more than 1 previous IVF failure were eligible. In addition, the patients had to have at least 2 good-morphology blastocysts to be randomly assigned to CCS or standard care (morphologic selection).

 ALL NEW PGS IVF CENTER 基因晶片試管嬰兒中心:博元婦產科邁入第三代試管嬰兒

美國紐澤西團隊,用第5天胚胎切片進行快速實時間PCR聚合酶鏈反應real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) ,第6天知道全部染色體報告,選擇染色體正常植入子宮,成功懷孕率高達93.1%!!!






      以上都是基因晶片試管嬰兒中心第三代試管嬰兒中心必備的條件跟能力,博元婦產科有此條件、有此能力,有多個成功案例,我們希望在未來能夠提供第5天胚胎切片,第6天植入新鮮胚胎到子宮  不必再冷凍胚胎了,根據201312月來自一份登在生育與節Fertil Steril. 2013;100:697-703刊,這是不孕症一份最具權威的期刊,有一份研究來自美國紐澤西團隊,他們用第5天胚胎切片進行快速實時間PCR聚合酶鏈反應real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) ,第6天知道全部染色體報告,選擇染色體正常植入子宮,成功懷孕率高達93.1%博元婦產科希望盡快也可以提供此服務,簡單的說博元婦產科是基因晶片試管嬰兒中心,也是第三代試管嬰兒中心,以下附上紐澤西團隊的英文研究報告。



Blastocyst Biopsy With Comprehensive Chromosome Screening and Fresh Embryo Transfer Significantly Increases In Vitro Fertilization Implantation and Delivery Rates: a Randomized Controlled Trial

Scott RT Jr, Upham KM, Forman EJ, et al
Fertil Steril. 2013;100:697-703

This randomized, controlled trial assessed the benefits of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) on implantation and pregnancy rates during IVF. Women younger than 42 years who had normal ovarian function and no more than 1 previous IVF failure were eligible. In addition, the patients had to have at least 2 good-morphology blastocysts to be randomly assigned to CCS or standard care (morphologic selection).

The implantation rate was higher in the CCS group (79.8% vs 63.2%; RR: 1.26; 95% CI, 1.04-1.39). Clinical pregnancy rates were also higher in the CCS group (93.1% vs 80.7% of the cycles; RR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.03-1.43). Delivery rates were also superior in the CCS group.