ALL NEW PGS IVF CENTER 基因晶片試管嬰兒中心:博元婦產科邁入第三代試管嬰兒
美國紐澤西團隊,用第5天胚胎切片進行快速實時間PCR聚合酶鏈反應real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) ,第6
Blastocyst Biopsy With Comprehensive Chromosome Screening and Fresh Embryo Transfer Significantly Increases In Vitro Fertilization Implantation and Delivery Rates: a Randomized Controlled Trial
Scott RT Jr, Upham KM, Forman EJ, et al
Fertil Steril. 2013;100:697-703
This randomized, controlled trial assessed the benefits of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) on implantation and pregnancy rates during IVF. Women younger than 42 years who had normal ovarian function and no more than 1 previous IVF failure were eligible. In addition, the patients had to have at least 2 good-morphology blastocysts to be randomly assigned to CCS or standard care (morphologic selection).
ALL NEW PGS IVF CENTER 基因晶片試管嬰兒中心:博元婦產科邁入第三代試管嬰兒
美國紐澤西團隊,用第5天胚胎切片進行快速實時間PCR聚合酶鏈反應real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) ,第6
Blastocyst Biopsy With Comprehensive Chromosome Screening and Fresh Embryo Transfer Significantly Increases In Vitro Fertilization Implantation and Delivery Rates: a Randomized Controlled Trial
Scott RT Jr, Upham KM, Forman EJ, et al
Fertil Steril. 2013;100:697-703
This randomized, controlled trial assessed the benefits of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) on implantation and pregnancy rates during IVF. Women younger than 42 years who had normal ovarian function and no more than 1 previous IVF failure were eligible. In addition, the patients had to have at least 2 good-morphology blastocysts to be randomly assigned to CCS or standard care (morphologic selection).
The implantation rate was higher in the CCS group (79.8% vs 63.2%; RR: 1.26; 95% CI, 1.04-1.39). Clinical pregnancy rates were also higher in the CCS group (93.1% vs 80.7% of the cycles; RR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.03-1.43). Delivery rates were also superior in the CCS group.