使用胚胎切片進行qPCR的CCS 報告rapid qPCR fresh transfer 這一份研究登在人類生殖期刊的2012年1217頁到1222頁,Hum Reprod. 2012 Apr;27(4) N.R. Treff, 使用胚胎切片進行單一個胚胎植入SET, 這是一個針對年齡群分成4群(<35; 35~37 ; 38~40; >40 years old)的140個試管嬰兒病人做胚胎切片進行快速PCR rapid qPCR的檢驗胚胎染色體,另外一個182個試管嬰兒病人並沒有進
使用胚胎切片進行qPCR的CCS 報告rapid qPCR fresh transfer
N.R. Treff, 使用胚胎切片進行單一個胚胎植入SET,
這是一個針對年齡群分成4群(<35; 35~37 ; 38~40; >40 years old)的140個試管嬰兒病人做胚胎切片進行快速PCR rapid qPCR的檢驗胚胎染色體,另外一個182個試管嬰兒病人並沒有進行胚胎切片,而是以胚胎的外觀形狀,N.R. Treff發現如果使用胚胎切片rapid qPCR檢驗胚胎染色體這一組的臨床懷孕率是68.6%,反觀如果只有看外觀的只有59.39%,請注意這是只有植入單一個胚胎植入SET,
而繼續懷孕率:胚胎切片rapid qPCR檢驗胚胎染色體這一組有55%,使用外觀的話只有41.8%,
在使用胚胎切片rapid qPCR檢驗胚胎染色體這一組的有一個是同卵雙胞胎,
平均都在38週多一點生產,小孩子體重平均在3200公克左右,如果把他分成年齡群有做rapid qPCR檢驗胚胎染色體CCS的那一組
所以這一份研究的核心人物是N.R. Treff,,這是位於美國的紐澤西的皮卡他為大學的一份報告登在人類生殖期刊2012年,所以這個結論就是:
Hum Reprod. 2012 Apr;27(4):1217-22. doi: 10.1093/humrep/des020. Epub 2012 Feb 16.
Single embryo transfer with comprehensive chromosome screening results in improved ongoing pregnancy ratesand decreased miscarriage rates.
Single embryo transfer (SET) provides the most certain means to reduce the risk of multiple gestation. Regrettably, prospective trials of SET have demonstrated reductions in per-cycle delivery rates. A validated method of comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) has the potential to optimize SET by transferring only euploid embryos. This retrospective study evaluates the efficacy of SET with CCS in an infertile population.
Overall and age-controlled ongoing pregnancy rates (OPR) were compared between women undergoing SET following CCS (CCS-SET, n= 140) and those undergoing SET without aneuploidy screening (control SET, n= 182). All transfers were at the blastocyst stage, with CCS performed after trophectoderm biopsy of expanded blastocysts and analysis with rapid PCR allowing for fresh transfer.
In the CCS-SET and control SET groups, an OPR of 55.0 and 41.8%, respectively, was obtained. The OPR was lower for the control group (P< 0.01) despite a younger age than the CCS group (37.3 ± 3.4 versus 34.2 ± 3.9 years; P< 0.001). Birthweight and gestational age at delivery were equivalent. The proportion of clinical pregnancies resulting in miscarriage was higher in the control group (24.8 versus 10.5%, P< 0.01), with more patients requiring surgical interventions for aneuploid pregnancies. There was one monozygotic twin delivery in the CCS group and none in the control group.
Compared with traditional blastocyst SET, SET after trophectoderm biopsy and rapid PCR-based CCS increases OPR and reduces the miscarriage rate. The enhanced selection empowered by CCS with SET may provide a practical way to eliminate multi-zygotic multiple gestation without compromising clinical outcomes per cycle.
PMID: 22343551 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC3303493 Free PMC Article