蝦蜜?!電腦啊吔選胚胎?每個都仁仁(台語唸)每個都能著床?:胚胎發展分裂的日記本-電腦自動實時間攝影TIME LAPSE 胚胎發展分裂的日記本-電腦自動時時間攝影
蝦蜜?!電腦啊吔選胚胎?每個都仁仁(台語唸)每個都能著床?:胚胎發展分裂的日記本-電腦自動實時間攝影TIME LAPSE 胚胎發展分裂的日記本-電腦自動時時間攝影 來自美國費城,有份研究針對胚胎用時時間攝影去選胚胎,可以找到真正有發育潛力的胚胎,它的作法是從卵子受精、第二天、第三天、第四天、第五天、甚至第六天,拍出兩千張左右的照片,當要植入胚胎前再回顧,這胚胎前六天發育的情況,簡直是胚胎回憶錄!我們現在看胚胎都是最後一天以外觀和分裂速度來定終生、定生死, 但事實上胚胎的發育有時候前面好,不一定後面好,假如從頭到尾胚胎是好的,從時時間胚胎照片攝影系統,我們可以了解到胚胎在分裂的時候常會有一些小碎片,但這些小碎片它有時候會自己吞掉, 所以時時間比較容易反應出胚胎的本質,潛力 但目前以基因晶片發展的迅速,可以在胚胎第五天切片,知道胚胎的本質,若加上四個小時給報告,這準確性會超過時時間攝影, 目前台灣衛生署遲遲沒有通過這個儀器進入台灣,就我了解:目前台灣沒有第二代實時間攝影系統。電腦自動時時間攝影TIME LAPSE Time Lapse Embryo Photography http://www.stuff.co.nz/science/8547436/Embryo-videos-taking-new-babys-first-photos http://www.bbc.com/news/health-22562146 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gug4n7xyE8Y http://www.bbc.com/news/health-22559247 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcjJ8LUvdkc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ccdQygneSg http://www.bbc.com/news/health-22559247 http://www.bbc.com/news/health-22559247 IVF 'may be boosted by time-lapse embryo imaging' Computer-Automated, Time-Lapse Embryo Photography May Increase Success of In-Vitro FertilizationNew Technology May Allow Doctors to Select Embryos with Greater Chance of Developing Into a Viable Pregnancy Released: 7/2/2014 1:00 PM EDT Source Newsroom: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania more news from this source Contact Information Available for logged-in reporters only Newswise — PHILADELPHIA - Using computer-automated, time‐lapse photography of embryos in the laboratory during in-vitro fertilization may improve embryo selection, potentially increasing the chances of pregnancy among women undergoing the procedure, according to new research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and five other fertility centers. Results of the study were presented this week at the 30th annual European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) meeting in Munich, Germany. The researchers at Penn and their collaborators used the Early Embryo Viability Assessment imaging device (or Eeva, developed and manufactured by Auxogyn, Inc.), which records images of developing embryos during the first three days of laboratory culture, to evaluate embryos transferred into the uterine cavity of 177 patients. The testing process involved fitting the devices into a standard incubator and using dark field imaging to capture high resolution, single-plane pictures of embryos housed in a petri dish, at five-minute intervals. The images were then fed into a software program that uses several measures to assess the embryo’s developmental potential – rating them high, medium, or low for their capacity to reach the blastocyst stage by the fifth or sixth day of culture. Embryos normally implant at the blastocyst stage – when they have divided into about 100-200 cells – and it is and it is known that blastocysts have a much greater chance of implanting successfully and resulting in an ongoing, viable pregnancy. Information on the embryo quality rating was not available to clinicians during the IVF procedures that were part of the study, but when researchers unblinded the study results, they found that patients with at least one “high” rated embryo transferred had a 54 percent viable pregnancy rate compared to a 34 percent rate for those following transfer of only a “low” rated embryo. “Our findings provide promising news for couples using or considering in-vitro fertilization because it shows that this technology offers the prospect of selecting embryos that have a greater likelihood of resulting in a pregnancy,” said lead author Matthew VerMilyea, PhD, who was serving as director of Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Andrology Laboratories at Penn at the time of the study and is currently a consultant to the division of Reproductive Endocrinology at Penn Medicine. “What’s particularly important is that our participants are from multiple clinics, each with distinctive protocols and patient populations, indicating that this technology may be generalizable and could have a significant impact in widely different laboratory settings.” After an egg has been fertilized by a sperm, normal embryos follow clear-cut timeframes for development, such as the time it takes for a two-cell embryo to turn into a three-cell embryo, and the time it takes for a three-cell embryo to turn into a four-cell embryo. Based on these patterns, computer-automated programs have the potential to predict by day two of embryo development which embryo(s) are more likely to become viable blastocysts and, as suggested by the current Penn study, result in a viable pregnancy. By using non-invasive cell tracking and prediction software, the development of each embryo is automatically analyzed against the well-validated cell division time periods. If the timing and duration of cellular divisions fall within the defined optimal time periods, an embryo is given a high probability rating for becoming a blastocyst. If division timing falls outside of the optimal time range, an embryo is given a low probability rating. The current study extends these findings by showing that embryos receiving a high rating for becoming a blastocyst, also have a higher probability to implant and result in a viable pregnancy. At present, fertility experts examine embryos under a microscope, looking at potential indicators of health of the embryo such as the number and symmetry of cells, and degrees of cell fragmentation. Based on these assessments and following recommendations developed through observational and correlative studies, clinicians and their embryology colleagues then choose which embryo(s) to transfer to the womb. The time-lapse system used in the new study uses objective visual evidence and automated predictive algorithms to enhance this conventional approach. “Improving our ability to predict which embryos are most likely to result in pregnancy has been an elusive but sorely needed advance in the field of assisted reproduction” saidChristos Coutifaris, MD, PhD, chief of Reproductive Endocrinology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. “However, there is the potential for one more major breakthrough for this technology: By developing better, non-invasive, objective predictors of embryo quality, such as it appears to be the case with the Eeva system, we will be able to transfer fewer embryos into the womb, not only leading to higher viable pregnancy rates, but also minimizing the chances for the establishment of high risk multiple pregnancies such as twins and triplets. In the end, this may prove to be the most important contribution from the development of methods for the non-invasive evaluation of embryo quality.” In addition to VerMilyea and Coutifaris, other Penn authors are Monica Mainigi, MD and Joshua T. Anthony. Other fertility centers participating in the study were Pacific Fertility Center, Reproductive Science Center of the Bay Area, Palo Alto Medical Foundation Fertility, HRC Fertility and Stanford Fertility & Reproductive Medicine Center. Editor’s note: Dr. VerMilyea has served as a consultant for Auxogyn, Inc. which provided the technology for the study. ### Penn Medicine is one of the world's leading academic medical centers, dedicated to the related missions of medical education, biomedical research, and excellence in patient care. Penn Medicine consists of the Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania (founded in 1765 as the nation's first medical school) and the University of Pennsylvania Health System, which together form a $4.3 billion enterprise. The Perelman School of Medicine has been ranked among the top five medical schools in the United States for the past 17 years, according to U.S. News & World Report's survey of research-oriented medical schools. The School is consistently among the nation's top recipients of funding from the National Institutes of Health, with $392 million awarded in the 2013 fiscal year. The University of Pennsylvania Health System's patient care facilities include: The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania -- recognized as one of the nation's top "Honor Roll" hospitals by U.S. News & World Report; Penn Presbyterian Medical Center; Chester County Hospital; Penn Wissahickon Hospice; and Pennsylvania Hospital -- the nation's first hospital, founded in 1751. Additional affiliated inpatient care facilities and services throughout the Philadelphia region include Chestnut Hill Hospital and Good Shepherd Penn Partners, a partnership between Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network and Penn Medicine. Penn Medicine is committed to improving lives and health through a variety of community-based programs and activities. In fiscal year 2013, Penn Medicine provided $814 million to benefit our community. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gug4n7xyE8Y http://www.bbc.com/news/health-22559247 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcjJ8LUvdkc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ccdQygneSg http://www.bbc.com/news/health-22559247 http://www.bbc.com/news/health-22559247 IVF 'may be boosted by time-lapse embryo imaging' COMMENTS (268) Jump media player Media player help Embryo videos: taking new baby's first photos MARIKA HILL Last updated 05:00 14/04/2013 8 Watch astonishing video from fertilisation to the first cell division in a new glimpse into a potential baby's first days as an embryo. Lawrence Smith /Fairfax NZ Egg watch: Dr Bert Stewart and Dr Lynsey Cree. Ads by Google TutorABC英文課程免費觀看www.tutorabc.com 線上真人同步英語視訊學習,隨時隨地想 學就學!天天花45分鐘,英文實力倍增。 Fertility experts are taking baby's first ultrasound photos to a whole new level. A couple's sperm and egg, doing their business on a petri dish in an incubator, are now being captured on time-lapse photography. From fertilisation to the first cell division, the astonishing video provides a glimpse into a potential baby's first days as an embryo. Fertility Associates introduced the time-lapse photography to their Auckland lab in January and is the first clinic in the country to use the technology. Would-be parents can take home a photo of their baby's five-day-old embryo and stick it on the fridge, or post a still image to Facebook, trumping the traditional ultrasound images as the first pictorial evidence of a new life. However, those wishing to post the entire video of their embryo's first cell divisions on Facebook are out of luck - the new video technology is for research only at this stage. Footage of those first few days of an embryo is providing fertility experts with greater understanding of the factors that make a healthy baby, potentially helping couples seeking fertility treatment. "It's a beauty contest," Fertility Associate scientific director Dr Bert Stewart said, referring to how they pick which embryo to implant. Up to 16 eggs, injected with sperm, compete for a place back in the mother's womb. A camera, placed within the incubator, takes photos of the potential embryos every five minutes. The judges, like Stewart, use the video to see which embryo is performing better over two to six days. Stewart said he looked at a variety of factors, including smooth cell division and a nucleus forming at the pivotal time. The most beautiful embryo, so to speak, won the prize of being given back to the woman," he said. "The holy grail of IVF is picking the embryo that is going to make the baby on the first hit," Stewart said. "Time-lapse is an ultra accurate way of looking at development, you can see which are the better embryos." Other good embryos are frozen and can be used for future pregnancy attempts, he said. Remaining embryos are discounted because of defects that were deemed likely to cause problems for an embryo's development. Researchers are using the technology to put greater evidence behind the subjective decisions of the embryologist. This included looking at the molecular and genetic events going on at the early stages of egg and embryo development, helping them better predict what will happen further down the track. "Our time-lapse photography and granulosa [cell] research may tell you something more, and ensure that we really are choosing the highest quality embryos." Dr Lynsey Cree, reproductive biology senior lecturer at the University of Auckland, is working with Stewart to study the cell's ability to nurture the egg as it matures. "We believe that healthy eggs equal healthy embryos which in turn equal a baby. Ad Feedback "However, we now have to prove this by following the egg right through from maturation, to fertilisation, embryo development, pregnancy and birth." Fertility Associates are not currently making any clinical decisions based on this study, as the project is still in its early stages. But Stewart did not rule out, some time in the distant future, parents being able to watch the very first makings of their baby on film. - Sunday Star Times Out of media player. Press enter to return or tab to continue. ADVERTISEMENT CARE's chief embryologist Alison Campbell explains the benefits of time-lapse imaging More from Fergus A nation of pill poppers? Bionic hand feels real, says amputeeWatch Meeting Oxford's research monkeys Buttock cupping and other health 'cures' Time-lapse imaging which takes thousands of pictures of developing embryos can boost the success rate of IVF, according to British research. The method, reported in Reproductive BioMedicine Online, can be used to select embryos at low risk of defects. Scientists at the CARE fertility group say such informed selection can improve birth rates by 56%. Other experts say the result is exciting, but the study of 69 couples is too small to be definitive. The research followed the couples at the CARE fertility clinic in Manchester last year, when 88 embryos were imaged and implanted. The embryos were put into an incubator and imaged every 10-20 minutes. Embryo screening Continual embryo monitoring through time-lapse imaging is aimed at selecting those with the lowest risk of aneuploidy - where the cells have chromosome abnormalities. Aneuploidy is the single biggest cause of IVF failure. But this form of embryo screening is a predictive rather than diagnostic tool. Couples at high risk of passing on a chromosomal abnormality may prefer to have Pre-implantation Genetic Screening. This invasive test removes cells from the early embryo for analysis. It costs around £2,500 on top of the £3,000 charged for conventional IVF. The researchers classified the embryos as low, medium or high risk of chromosome abnormalities based on their development at certain key points. Eleven babies were born from the low risk group (61% success rate) compared to five from the medium risk group (19% success rate) and none from those deemed high risk. "In the 35 years I have been in this field this is probably the most exciting and significant development that can be of value to all patients seeking IVF," said Prof Simon Fishel, managing director of CARE Fertility Group. "This technology can tell us which embryo is the most viable and has the highest potential to deliver a live birth - it will have huge potential. This is almost like having the embryo in the womb with a camera on them." In standard IVF, embryos are removed from the incubator once a day to be checked under the microscope. This means they briefly leave their temperature-controlled environment and single daily snapshots of their development are possible. Jump media player Media player help Out of media player. Press enter to return or tab to continue. Dr Sue Avery, British Fertility Society: "We haven't really got clear clinical evidence yet" Using the time-lapse method embryos don't leave the incubator until they are implanted allowing 5,000 images to be taken. "Removing embryos from the incubator potentially exposes them to damage, so it must be a good thing to be able to look at the pattern of development over time. "These results are very interesting but this is is a very small study and any interpretation of the findings must be made with caution as we are dealing with the hopes and expectations of patients," said Dr Virginia Bolton from the assisted conception unit at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. Sheena Lewis, professor of reproductive medicine at Queen's University, Belfast, said: "This may well be the technique we have been waiting for to improve embryo selection and thus success in fertility treatment. "However, this is a small study with just 46 embryos being followed through to birth. Much more research will be needed before this becomes a routine clinical tool." Around a dozen private and NHS clinics are using time-lapse embryo imaging. It costs around £750 in addition to about £3,000 for IVF ...