有一份應該是來自於中國的研究,因為作者都是中國姓。 針對2220名試管˙嬰兒的病人,在開始打排卵針時同時做電灸
transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation:
TENS,他們的電流是3~5安培、2~100赫茲,每2~3天 電一次,直到植入後的第一天,可以有效增加試管嬰兒成功率、 活產率。
這不是用傳統的針灸而是電灸, 是用貼片貼在皮膚表面任由儀器放電,叫做「TENS」, 也就是經皮膚放電針灸的刺激˙法。
Trials. 2014 May 9;15(1):162. [Epub ahead of print]
The effect of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation on pregnancy rates in women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
The latest meta-analysis demonstrated that acupuncture improves pregnancy rates among women undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET), and surface acupoint stimulation, such as transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS), may have the same or better potential.
To explore the effect of TEAS on the clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) and live birth rate (LBR) compared with real acupuncture and controls in women undergoing IVF, a multicenter, randomized controlled trial will be conducted. The inclusion criteria are the following: infertile women <40 years of age undergoing a fresh IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycle, and the study will be restricted to women with the potential for a lower success rate as defined by two or more previous unsuccessful ETs (fresh or frozen). Those who have severe illnesses possibly precludingIVF or pregnancy, have FSH levels greater than 20 IU/L, received donor eggs, had been previously randomized for this study or had undergone acupuncture (in any modality) as infertility treatment will be excluded. The subjects will be randomly assigned to the TEAS group (IVF + TEAS), the electro-acupuncture (EA) group (IVF + EA), or the control group (only IVF). A total sample size of 2,220 women is required to detect differences in CPR among the three groups.
TEAS or EA treatments will start once every two or three days from day 3 of menstruation in the ovarian stimulation cycle until the day of ET.
The parameters of TEAS or EA will be the following:
a frequency of 2/100 Hz,
a moderate electrical current of 3 to 5 mA for TEAS
and 0.8 to 1.0 mA for EA.
The primary outcome is CPR.
Secondary outcomes are LBR, the number of oocytes aspirated and the total gonadotropin dose used in the stimulation cycle.
This study will provide significant evidence for using a new method (TEAS) inIVF.Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.govID: NCT01608048 (05/24/2012).