挑選出好的精子試管嬰兒就成功一半了PF-1 SPERM RIGHT


 挑選出好的精子試管嬰兒就成功一半了PF-1  SPERM   RIGHT

(2)第二種方法是用螢光染色,以前我們是用TUNEL測驗,如果綠色代表精蟲DNA受損,並不是每一家試管嬰兒中心都能做這個TUNEL測驗,另外最近的發展是用: 螢光染色PF-1的螢光染色,可以找出精子染色體正常,
不管是第一晶片或是第二種的: 螢光染色PF-1目的是一樣的,希望挑到夢幻奇精,染色體正常鏡子也就是讓好不容易打針取到的卵子,能夠嫁給如意郎君,我們說有一個叫做MR RIGHT應該我把它改寫為SPERM   RIGHT
1尋找夢幻精子的最新方法:使用界面閥型微流體晶片,找出最佳精子The construction of an interfacial valve-based microfluidic chip for thermotaxis evaluation of human sperm.
可是現在的報告好像IMSI PICSI沒有很好的結果,
Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. 2014 May;20(5):452-9.
[Application of microfluidics in sperm isolation and in vitro fertilization].
[Article in Chinese]
Li FFWang XYZhou SMYou F.
Due to the low effectiveness of traditional assisted reproductive technology (ART), new technological possibilities are constantly explored. Lots of studies have demonstrated the potential of microfluidics to revolutionize the fundamental processes of in vitro fertilization (IVF). With the advantages of high efficiency, short time, harmless collection, real-time observation of separation, similar microenvironment, and automation, the application of microfluidics in sperm isolation andIVF has shown an evident superiority over the conventional approaches and provided a new platform for ART. This review highlights the application of various microfluidic techniques in sperm motility assessment and isolation, sperm chemotaxis assay, IVF, sperm concentration, and sperm separation and enrichment in recent years. It also briefly introduces the basic principles, structural design, and operation processes of the microfluidic platform, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of each method and the potential of their clinical application. Obviously, there are still some challenges to the application of microfluidics in ART. However, it is believed that the development of this new technology would be toward a highly integrated application of several steps in one single device, known as IVF-lab-on-a-chip.
PMID: 24908739 [PubMed - in process]
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最新選精子的科技: 螢光染色PF-1
做試管嬰兒要有好精子和好卵子才有好胚胎,我們都知道好精子好卵子意味著精卵染色體都正常,但精子的染色體不正常怎麼知道可以考慮用TUNEL染色測驗,如果TUNEL染色綠色表示精子DNA受損,如果TUNEL染色藍色表示正常的染色體,但這樣一來,TUNEL精子活動力通常都少許會受影響?最新的研究是使用PF-1染色法,我們使用一個原理,如果精子DNA受損,代表細胞自我毀滅,代表細胞膜通透性增加,因此 螢光染色染上去,呈現螢光反應陽性,我們先用PF-1去測試,偵測到精子染色體異常、受損,再用TUNEL來做交叉比對,發現準確率相當的高而且經過精子染色還是可以用來做試管嬰兒,請看以下照片!
這恐怕是目前為止科學上上最好選擇精子的方法,我們以前說IMSI、PICSI最近回顧性、系統性的RCT究報告,好像沒有什麼用途,最近的這個PF-1染色,提供了未來選擇,精子的新科技。Syst Biol Reprod Med. 2013 Jun;59(3):172-7. doi: 10.3109/19396368.2013.777135. Epub 2013 Apr 8.
novel sorting technology allows for highly efficient selection of sperm without chromatin damage.
Funaro MG1, Kim HHMazel SBolyakov AGoldstein MSchlegel PNPaduch DA.
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Sperm chromatin damage has been associated with male infertility, increased risk for spontaneous abortion, and poor embryo development. Available methods for detecting chromatin damage render the sperm no longer suitable for clinical use. Early apoptotic events resulting in chromatin damage are associated with increased permeability of the cell membrane to large ions. We propose the use of a large fluorescent organic cation, proprietary fluorochrome (PF-1), for fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) for negative selection of sperm without chromatin damage. Sperm with chromatin damage are PF-1 positive. Performance of cell sorting by PF-1 was verified with terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) after FACS on PF-1(+) and PF-1(-) subpopulations. Whereas 19.5% of PF-1 positive sperm were TUNEL positive only 1.5% sperm in the PF-1(-) fraction were TUNEL positive (p < 0.00001). TUNEL values below 1.9% were considered background fluorescence. Post-sorting motility and vitality were 49.4% (SD: 12.5) and 65.0% (SD: 14.99), respectively. Proprietary fluorochrome activated sperm sorting may decrease or most likely eliminate all of TUNEL positive sperm without adverse effects on viability, providing a new therapeutic avenue for men with a high percentage of TUNEL positive sperm. Further research is needed to determine if the reduction in TUNEL positive sperm using PF-1 will improve in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes.