借卵的病人使用荷爾蒙比較容易成功懷孕? donation hrt
借卵的病人使用荷爾蒙比較容易成功懷孕? donation hrt 借卵生值的病人子宮內膜要怎麼準備? 分成兩種: 一種是用荷爾蒙療法, 一種是自然週期療法。 有的病人嫌麻煩,希望醫師用自然週期:也就是什麼藥物都不使用,僅超音波觀察子宮內膜的厚度什麼時候最適合植入胚胎,一般來說大約是0.8~1.2公分。 但最近有一份登在醫學權威期刊的研究,發現借卵的病人最好還是使用荷爾蒙療法,也就是使用動情激素加黃體素,可以: 1.增加子宮內膜的血管增生。 2.讓子宮有利於胚胎著床。 Med J Armed Forces India. 2013 Oct;69(4):357-60. doi: 10.1016/j.mjafi.2013.06.011. Epub 2013 Sep 24. Can hormone replacement therapy prior to oocyte donation cycle in women with premature ovarian failure improve pregnancy rate? Naredi N1, Sandeep K1, Jamwal VD2. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: Infertility is an important issue in women with Premature Ovarian Failure (POF). With no conclusive treatment available to enhance fertility in these women, it is the use of donor eggs with In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) which can fulfil their desire to become a mother in a novel way. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in POF apart from correcting the endocrine defect also helps in improving the milieu of the uterus by improving its vascularisation and the sub endometrial blood flow. We thus aimed to carry out a study to find out whether hormone replacement therapy if administered prior to the oocyte donation cycle in patients of premature ovarian failure improves the pregnancy rate. METHODS: A comparative study was carried out incorporating 46 subjects with 23 in each group. Group A received HRT prior to their oocyte donation cycle while the second group entered into the oocyte donation programme directly after an artificially induced menstruation. RESULTS: It was observed that, although the HRT group had a slightly higher pregnancy rate, with a better mean endometrial thickness as compared to the non HRT group it was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Institution of hormone replacement therapy does improve the vascularisation of the uterus, corrects the histologic features of the uterine lining and makes the endometrium receptive but whether it enhances the pregnancy rate needs to be elucidated with further studies. KEYWORDS: Hormone replacement therapy; Oocyte donation; Premature ovarian failure