

吃什麼可以改善精子的品質?SPERM 其實男性不孕症也是佔的不孕症45%以上,很多病人以為不是精子會動就是會讓卵子受精嗎?其實妳不知道精子會動也可能精子不正常,比如說精子頭部DNA碎裂,或者細胞膜被破壞來自於四面八方,比如原因不明或他抽煙、喝酒、肥胖、壓力過大、或他工作環境有高溫,有重金屬,或他有得過肝硬化、性病、淋病、腮腺炎,或他結紮手術、前列腺開過刀,或前列腺癌開過刀、睪丸扭轉,或者男人本身在洗腎或有糖尿病,這些都有可能產生精子品質的破壞,破壞來自於自由基,或過氧化物,去攻擊精子頭部或尾巴, 有什麼辦法可以改善這些天敵所造成精子的受損呢?口服抗氧化劑是唯一的選擇,哪裡可以攝取到抗氧化劑呢? 1.茄紅素。 2.維他命E。 3.鋅。 4.維他命B6、維他命B12。 5.維他命C。 6.輔酶Q10。 7.肉角鹼。 這些都有文獻證實改善精子品質ˇ的。 吃什麼可以改善精子的品質?SPERM oral antioxidants 吃什麼可以改善精子的品質?SPERM 其實男性不孕症也是佔的不孕症45%以上,很多病人以為不是精子會動就是會讓卵子受精嗎?其實妳不知道精子會動也可能精子不正常,比如說精子頭部DNA碎裂,或者細胞膜被破壞來自於四面八方,比如原因不明或他抽煙、喝酒、肥胖、壓力過大、或他工作環境有高溫,有重金屬,或他有得過肝硬化、性病、淋病、腮腺炎,或他結紮手術、前列腺開過刀,或前列腺癌開過刀、睪丸扭轉,或者男人本身在洗腎或有糖尿病,這些都有可能產生精子品質的破壞,破壞來自於自由基,或過氧化物,去攻擊精子頭部或尾巴, 有什麼辦法可以改善這些天敵所造成精子的受損呢?口服抗氧化劑是唯一的選擇,哪裡可以攝取到抗氧化劑呢? 1.茄紅素。 2.維他命E。 3.鋅。 4.維他命B6、維他命B12。 5.維他命C。 6.輔酶Q10。 7.肉角鹼。 這些都有文獻證實改善精子品質ˇ的。 Quick look at 10 oral antioxidants for sun protection 22 Dec 2011 | Beauty Food, Sun Protection, 41 Comments Thank you for sharing all your beauty resolutions in 2012! Keep them coming for I thoroughly enjoyed reading them! Of the many comments I’ve read, I noticed a number of you wanted to improve your beauty from inside out by having a healthier diet. A number of you even mentioned taking supplements and this is an area I’m very interested in as based on experience, I realized that taking the right supplement can really help improve our skin condition. Recently, I’ve been reading up more about the photoprotective role of oral antioxidants and here, I’m going to share with you some research data on 10 of them. Antioxidants are molecules that scavenge free radicals and hence, can help prevent ultraviolet-induced damage to skin – yes, protect your skin from those unsightly brown spots! The following antioxidants have been shown to protect skin against damage in scientific studies: 1. Beta-Carotene Researchers have found that beta-carotene supplements have been shown to protect against sunburn, based on a minimum of 10 weeks of supplementation. So the conclusions is that beta-carotene supplements may protect against sunburn in a time-dependent manner. (source) 2. Selenium Research by Roddie McKenzie, Senior Lecturer in Dermatology at the University of Edinburgh suggests that selenium reduces damage to skin cell membranes following exposure to ultraviolet light and the protection is greatest if a selenium antioxidant is taken before exposure to UV irradiation. (source) 3. Lutein Epidemiological studies support a role for diets high in lutein and decreased risk of wrinkling and cancer. Recent intervention studies have shown lutein to prevent ultraviolet-induced carcinogenesis in animals and to improve skin physiology parameters in humans, including antioxidant protection from ultraviolet light irradiation. (source) 4. Zeaxanthin Data demonstrate that oral supplementation of lutein and zeaxanthin diminishes the effects of ultraviolet B irradiation by reducing acute inflammatory responses and ultraviolet-induced hyperproliferative rebound. (source) 5. Lycopene Lycopene supplement can enhance the natural protective qualities of the skin against UV and visible light over a period of time but it might seem that fresh sources of food like e lycopene-rich carrot juice have better photoprotective effect. (source) 6. Pycnogenol Pycnogenol can be extracted from the French maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). It contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds, which act as potent free-radical scavengers. Oral supplementation of Pycnogenol was shown to help prevent UV damage and the resulting photoaging. Pycnogenol also inhibits the inflammation caused by UV-exposure, consequently protecting the skin from sunburn. (source) 7. Fernblock This is an extract obtained from the fern Polypodium leucotomos and is used inHeliocare, a sun protection supplement, to provide antioxidant and radical scavenging capacities. (source) 8. Omega-3s From Fish Oil Skin cells receiving omega-3s were also found to be more resistant to UV damage and wrinkles as polyunsaturated fatty acids have been proven to reduce UV sensitivity. (source) 9. Vitamin C + E Oral supplementation with vitamin C and vitamin E are often said to provide our skin protection against UV radiation but they have to be taken in high dosage. If you want better protection, you can take both vitamins with carotenoids although the sun protection factor was relatively small compared to topical sunscreens. (source) 10. Astaxanthin Astaxanthin is a nutrient that is found in a type of marine microalgae called Haematococcus pluvialis. Interestingly, I’ve been reading various sources, including customer testimonies that Astaxanthin exhibited a pronounced photoprotective effect and countered all of the UVA induced alterations to a significant extent. (source) Your personal choice There could be other antioxidants that are available but I have not covered here so feel free to add if you know of them. I also know some of you prefer to obtain your antioxidants from fresh food and so do I. However, the reason I look into supplements is because some of these antioxidants are not available in my food source. So like I always emphasize, it’s a personal choice. In addition, you also have to take your own state of health into consideration when you’re looking at consuming such supplements. When unsure or uncomfortable, the best policy is to avoid.