埃及來博元諮詢試管嬰兒 埃及開羅來博元諮詢試管嬰兒 網際網路真的是無遠弗屆,有時候會冒出從你想都沒有想過的遙遠國家,來諮詢甚至來做試管嬰兒療程,來博元做試管嬰兒的比如說俄羅斯的莫斯科、法國的巴黎共18個國家。最近又有一位埃及開羅的病人寫一封英文信問我:先生35歲、太太32歲,結婚7年,因為在中國大陸工作7年,有一次在威爾斯國際醫院檢查發現太太的阻斷抗體不足,阻斷抗體不足小於30%容易流產,他們也的確歷經一次流產,我建議她可以使用先生的血做淋巴球治療LIT,或由第三方男性的血液抽血游離出淋巴球注射到太太的體內,讓太太的體內重新〝認識〞先生的HLA,製造新一批的新的阻斷抗體。 阻斷抗體不夠、不足(小於30%),容易造成流產,我們知道胎兒對孕婦本身是外來物,照理說孕婦免疫系統應該會去攻擊胚胎,但為什麼大部分孕婦懷孕不會產生這種事情?因為有阻斷抗體(保護胎兒)讓我們的免疫系統沒有辦法認出、看不到,很像哈利波特中那件透明人斗篷,穿上之後沒有人知道你在那裏,這就是阻斷抗體〝蒙騙〞免疫系統的妙用。 這麼遠從埃及的開羅寫信來詢問,真是網際網路無遠弗屆,透過網路讓博元婦產科的服務:遠到天邊,進在眼前,包括法國巴黎、南美尼加拉瓜、美國加州矽谷,當然包括這位埃及開羅免疫引起不孕症的病人。以下是她信的片段:(為保護病人權利,人名刪去) Dear Dr, My name isAAA , from Cairo , Egypt , 35 years old . My wife is BBB , 32 years old . we are married since 7 years ago , we don't have children and with one abortion experience. we visited Wales International Hospital at Guangzhou at 4/9/2011 for analysis and medical check. we stayed at china for 8 days , Chinese Doctor recommend that my wife had to go to governmental hospital as to do an operation since it has a BLOCKING ANTIBODIES I would like to know do you do this operation? Please inform me with everything about this operation: 1. what is the cost of the operation? 2. how long we had to stay at china? 3. is the operation will be done on one phase or on multiple phases? I appreciate your kind response and assistance , as to help me to plan for doing this operation Notice: I attached the analysis results and a copy of the email that doctor s assistant send to me