妳再吃油炸品小心生不出來?! oil 英國每日郵報報導針對401位想要懷孕的夫婦,都沒有不孕的問題,其中有357位一年後懷孕,54位一年後仍未懷孕, 實驗前抽血驗膽固醇發現驚人的發現,膽固醇愈高愈不容易懷孕,妳會問為什麼?因為膽固醇的下游產品是動情激素和男性荷爾蒙,這和造精,排卵功能有關,因此如果妳膽固醇過高就會導致荷爾蒙絮亂,動情激素絮亂男性荷爾蒙絮亂,而在造精、排卵功能產生困擾障礙而不孕症,所以想生子:不要吃太多油炸物!但妳會問什麼是膽固醇過高,根據國民健康局的資料顯示,總膽固醇超過200,或高密
妳再吃油炸品小心生不出來?! oil
低密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度大於160 mg/dL或是
高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度小於40 mg/dL,都應該視為心血管疾病的危險因子
吃低脂乳品 不孕率增85%高脂有助排卵 過胖者不適合
研究發現女性常攝取低脂乳製品,使排卵困難引起的不孕風險,提高百分之八十五;每日攝取至少一份高脂食品,如全脂牛奶、冰淇淋、奶油或奶昔,使因排卵困難導致的不孕風險,降低百分之二十七。推測,高脂食物具有促進卵巢功能的脂溶性分子,可能降低不孕機率的主因,建議有意懷孕婦女,「每日攝取至少一到兩份全脂食物」,但確保飽和脂肪酸的攝取量應降到最低,使總熱量 取維持。
夫妻膽固醇超高生不出小孩 chol
夫妻倆膽固醇都超標 恐不孕!
研究:夫妻倆膽固醇都超標 恐不孕!
婦女膽固醇太高 不易受孕
全文網址: 婦女膽固醇太高 不易受孕 - 孕婦媽媽經 - 親子寶貝 - udn健康醫藥 http://mag.udn.com/mag/life/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=515039#ixzz32PRBCvz6
Power By udn.com Problems conceiving? High cholesterol could be to blame for poor fertility
- Women with high cholesterol take longer to conceive than healthy women
- If her partner also has high cholesterol it is even harder for her to conceive
- It is not yet known exactly why cholesterol affects fertility
PUBLISHED: 17:00 GMT, 20 May 2014 | UPDATED: 17:00 GMT, 20 May 2014
Women with high cholesterol took longer to conceive than those whose readings were normal
It is known to be bad for the heart. But high cholesterol could also damage a couple’s chances of becoming parents.
A study found that women with high amounts of the artery-clogging fat in their blood took longer to conceive than those whose readings were normal.
And when both members had high readings, it took even longer.
The scientists, from the U.S. government’s health research arm, advised those who want to start a family to have a cholesterol test first.
The researchers tracked the fortunes of hundreds of 401 couples who were trying for a baby.
None were known to have fertility problems and all of the women were aged between 18 and 44.
Over the course of a year, 347 of the women became pregnant, while 54 did not.
Blood samples taken at the start of the study showed a clear link between cholesterol and fertility.
Importantly, the finding could not simply be explained away by those with high cholesterol being overweight.
Researcher Dr Enrique Schisterman, from the U.S. government’s health research arm, said: ‘We've long known that high cholesterol levels increase the risk for heart disease.
‘From our data, it would appear that high cholesterol levels not only increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, but also reduce couples' chances of pregnancy.
‘In addition to safeguarding their health, our results suggest that couples wishing to achieve pregnancy could improve their chances by first ensuring that their cholesterol levels are in an acceptable range.’
He added that if other studies confirm the finding, advice on watching cholesterol levels may no longer be centred on the middle-aged and elderly.
Similarly, young people may be given cholesterol-busting drugs to maximise their odds of having children, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reports.
Couples who both had high levels of artery-clogging fat (pictured) took even longer to conceive, regardless of their weight
It isn’t entirely clear why cholesterol affects fertility but the waxy substance is key to the synthesis of sex hormones like oestrogen and testosterone in the body.
One in six couples has trouble starting and family half of Britons have high cholesterol – defined as a total reading of above 5mmol/L.
Adults aged between 40 and 75 are entitled to cholesterol tests on the NHS every five years. People on cholesterol-lowering drugs can have a test each year.
Professor Neil McClure, a fertility specialist at Queen’s University Belfast, said it was to too early to advice the cholesterol testing of prospective parents.
He said: ‘The take home message is that we need to be as fit and well and healthy as we possibly can I we are thinking about trying to conceive.’
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